"Things won are done,
Joy's Soul lies in the Doing."
- William Shakespeare

Friday, October 14, 2011

Take It Where I Can Get It

I'm feeling rather pulled in too many directions these days.  All the normal day to day work, school, household stuff, piled on to that the decision to put the cabin on the market (eek), piled on to that my insane notion to join in on this season's KCWC...


Which sucks, because it's such a cool, and meaningful thing, sewing your kids' clothes, one teeny hour a day, for one measly, little week.  And I am having a major struggle with finding the time.  Also with finding the patience with these damn pants. 

I found the coolest tutorial on how to design your own pattern (which would be more useful to me if I could follow directions, and possessed the slightest inkling of precision), and the cutest pocketed pants, on Made.  And the coolest flannel-ish, houndstooth-ish fabric, for the Boy.  Alas, just when I thought I'd gotten things sorted, I realized I should have sewn those pockets on before I sewed the front and back together.  Damn.  How did I miss that?  I've kind of hit the wall here.  But I am at least (cross fingers) going to get a skirt for the Girl made before this week is out.  Sigh.  

Enough trials and tribulations, I do have a wee triumph for you.  Nothing monumentally earth-shattering, mind you.  Pretty sure I'm not up for any awards for this one.  But.  Considering how the week's going, I'll take it where I can get it.

Remember those delicious, homemade bagels we were eating recently?  Well, I've got a little veggie cream cheese for you.  Not rocket science, I know.  But it's good.

Here you go.

Veggie Cream Cheese - makes a bit over 8 oz

8 oz package of cream cheese, or neufchatel (the foil-wrapped kind, in the box), at room temperature
2 Tbs carrots, finely chopped
1 1/2 Tbs green pepper, finely chopped
1 1/2 Tbs celery, finely chopped
1 Tbs green onion, green parts only, finely chopped
pinch celery salt & freshly ground pepper

Toss everything into the food processor, and give it a whiz, until it's the consistency you like.  Mine is fairly smooth, with small chunks of veggies.  Taste for seasoning, then chill in the fridge for at least an hour.

How simple was that?  Thank goodness, I needed an easy one.

Have a good day.

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